The Word of God
Scripture is Inspired by God

We believe the Scriptures are inspired by God and declare His design and plan for mankind.

One True God
Revealed in Three Persons

We believe there is only one true God, revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (commonly known as the Trinity).

The Deity of Jesus Christ
Fully Human and Fully Divine

We believe Jesus Christ is both fully human and fully divine, the Son of God who came to redeem mankind.

The Fall of Man
Humanity's Willful Disobedience

We believe humanity was originally created good but fell into sin, bringing physical and spiritual death into the world.

Salvation for All
Restored Fellowship Through Christ

We believe every person can enter into a restored relationship with God by believing in Jesus and repenting of their sins.

Ordinances of the Church
Baptism and Communion

We believe in practicing two ordinances: water baptism by immersion after salvation and Holy Communion as a remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Empowerment for Service

We believe the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a special experience after salvation that empowers believers for effective service.

Evidence of the Holy Spirit
A Transformed Life

We believe the primary evidence of the Holy Spirit is a transformed life. Believers can also speak in other tongues, as seen in the New Testament.

A Lifelong Process

We believe sanctification begins at salvation and is a lifelong process of growing closer to God and becoming more Christ-like.

The Mission of the Church
Seeking and Saving the Lost

We believe the Church, as the Body of Christ, is called to seek and save the lost and build up the community of believers.

Leadership in the Church
Ordained for Service

We believe that divinely called and scripturally ordained leaders serve the Church in order to equip and edify the Body of Christ.

Diving Healing
A Privilege for Believers

We believe divine healing is a privilege for Christians today, made possible through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

The Blessed Hope
The Rapture of the Church

We believe Jesus will rapture His Church prior to His second coming, reuniting all believers with Him forever.

The Millennial Reign
Jesus' Rule on Earth

We believe Jesus will return to rule the earth for 1,000 years, bringing peace and salvation to Israel and the world.

The Final Judgment
Eternal Separation for Rejecting Christ

We believe a final judgment will occur for those who reject Christ, resulting in eternal separation from God.

The New Heavens and New Earth
Eternal Life with Christ

We believe Christ will create a perfect new heaven and earth for all who have accepted Him, where we will live with Him forever.